Our Commitment, today and in the future, is that our customers
can depend on Panverta to succeed. We constantly strive to create new and
better ways of meeting the highest demands of the customers.
From the outset, PT Panverta Cakrakencana (Panverta) has prioritized quality
in fulfilling the needs of its customers. High quality raw materials,
the optimum application of advanced machinery, stringent and consistent quality
control systems reflect Panverta’s commitment toward quality.
Customers have always been one of PT Panverta Cakrakencana (Panverta)
top priorities. The company was established on the basis of service excellence.
Panverta makes every effort to comprehend and be pro-active in response to individual
customer needs. Panverta ensures that our customers get the highest quality products and
the best possible service.
Sustainable and Credible are Panverta’s main objective in becoming a leading
flexible packaging manufacturers. Panverta’s commitment of quality and service
is a keystone in generating the tradition of excellence and delivering added values
to customer.